Rhythmix Cultural Works
2513 Blanding Ave. Alameda
- Beginner Class: 7:00pm - 8:00pm
- Intermediate / Advanced Class: 8:15pm - 9:15pm
- Cost: Drop-ins $15.00 per class
- Class cards available: 4 classes for $50
* If you are new to our class and are planning on attending please send me an email before hand at alvaro@salsa-lab.com.

Beginning Cuban Salsa &
Rueda de Casino:
Time: 7:00pm - 8:00pm
This is a progressive class that starts on the first Tuesday of every month. It focuses on students who are new to Cuban salsa which is also known as “Casino”. This class starts with a warm up which will teach you and help you practice the footwork necessary for the beginning class. Following the warm up we have the first half of the class which focuses on the basics of dancing. Some of the things covered in the first half are basic steps, basic turn, cross body lead “Dile Que No”, Exhibe “pivot turn” and a few more. The second half of the class focuses on beginning level moves, combinations and beginning Rueda de Casino. Each month we select a few turns and work on those and the following month we substitute for new moves.
Rueda de Casino is a popular dance where pairs of dancers form a circle and execute dance moves called out by one person, "the caller".
* Please note that it takes at least a few months or more depending on how quick you learn to get proficient at all the material in the beginning class.
Time: 7:00 pm - 8:00pm
Fee: $15 for drop-ins
Class cards available: 4 classes for $50
Intermediate/Advanced Rueda de Casino:
Time: 8:15pm - 9:15pm
This class builds on the foundation learned in the Beginning Cuban Salsa class. Rueda de Casino is a popular dance where pairs of dancers form a circle and execute dance moves called out by a person, "the caller". This class covers some of the basics of Rueda de Casino (formation, various ways of swapping partners, leading, following and basic turns) and will progress to more advanced turns and footwork as the weeks go by. Even though Rueda focuses on dancing together as a group, a great deal of the turns learned can also be used in one-on-one partner dancing.
Although students may drop in at any time, it is recommended for students new to Rueda to start the class on the FIRST TUESDAY of the month if possible as the class is progressive. Also, to join this class you should be very comfortable doing basic Cuban salsa moves such as Dile Que No (cross body lead), Enchufa (inside turn switching places), Guapea (basic step in open position), Exhibe (pivot turn) and Son Montuno (basic step). All of these moves are covered in the Beginner Class. Please note that the curriculum can vary depending on the needs of the class.
Example of turns learned in this class: Pal Medio, Caminamos, Un Tarro, Llévala Abajo/Exhibe, Dame Una, Dame Dos, Enchufla, El Uno, El Dos, Setenta, Sombrero, Vacilala, Adios con la Hermana, Kentucky, Echevarria and many more…
If you have any questions about the curriculum or class you can email Alvaro at alvaro@salsa-lab.com.
Time: 8:15pm - 9:15pm
Fee: $15 for drop ins
Class cards available: 4 classes for $50